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SLAMbassadors UK 2016
Deadline: Fri 30 Sep 2016
SLAMbassadors is the national youth slam for 12-18 year olds. Since 2001 it has been unearthing new talent, igniting live events, and developing the future of UK spoken word

Entering the slam

The slam is open every year to any young person in the country, and aims to uncover the next generation of MCs, rappers, performance poets and spoken word artists. To enter the slam simply film yourself performing your piece and submit it online.

This year’s entrants can be seen on the Your Voices page.

What can I win?

Six acts will be chosen from across the UK to take part in an intensive, two-day masterclass with the spoken word artist Joelle Taylor. The winners work will be showcased at a live performance in central London alongside Joelle and a leading spoken word icon.

The biggest prize however is the continual mentoring provided to the young artists by The Poetry Society, who work hard to introduce the emerging poets to the professional arena and open up the world of performance and publishing to them. 

Previous winners include Anthony Anaxagorou, Megan Beech, Kayo Chingonyi, Aisling Fahey, Tommy Sissons, Vanessa Kisuule and NAGA MC.


We aim to involve participants across a wide spectrum of faiths, backgrounds and abilities and aim to involve as many young people as possible in reading, writing, and performing poetry. To do this we also deliver workshops in schools, young offender institutions, youth groups – anywhere where there are young people who want their voice to be heard.

Visit The Poetry Society website for more information about workshops in your setting


Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Poetry Scoeity
Contact Name:
Joelle Taylor
Contact Email:
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