Thu 24 October 2024
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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Call for pre-NAWE Conference Member Meet-Ups (In Person)
Wed 26 Jun 2024
The 2024 NAWE Conference will take place online on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November 2024. While it will include many opportunities to connect online, we know that nothing beats meeting in-person. Therefore, from mid-October to Thursday 7th November 2024, we’ll be inviting NAWE Members to set up informal in-person Member Meet-Ups around the UK.

Your Co-Chairs, Jonathan Davidson and Derek Neale, will be hosting Meet-Ups in Birmingham and Norwich respectively, and we are looking for other Members to run their own. The requirements are fairly simple: a room for around 20 people (more if you are optimistic), some light refreshment perhaps (tea & biscuits), and perhaps someone to lead a brief discussion on some matter of interest to writers. If you don’t have access to a suitable room, then a friendly coffee shop would make a good alternative.

We have no funds for these events, so we are relying on NAWE Members to give a little bit of their time for free and to secure a space at no cost. NAWE can help with the publicity, and of course we would welcome non-Members to attend in the hope that they might join NAWE in the fullness of time. If you have a subject for a focused discussion that would be helpful – but not vital – and we’d certainly be keen to hear what you think NAWE members might want to talk about. Our overall Conference theme is ‘Writing to Connect’.

If you would like to set up a NAWE Pre-Conference 2024 Member Meet-Up, please get in touch via, ideally by the end of September 2024, but the earlier the better.

Contact Information:
Contact Name:
Sophie Flood
Contact Email: