Tue 22 October 2024
Professional Directory
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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NAWE Professional Directory

This directory contains details of NAWE Professional Members who may be able to provide you with services.  You can contact members by pressing the 'Contact Me' button, which will forward to the member your message and email address.

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Sarah Acton is an oral history writer, poet and performer, and community theatre-maker with a focus on orality, dialect and rhythms of place. Sarah creates writing commissions and social engagement projects for organisations, museums and libraries to deepen connection to nature, seasons and place. Sarah's work is inspired by myth, relationship to landscape and nature connection. Sarah is the writer of the Heart of Stone community play project on Portland supported by Arts Council England, is … Read more...
Novelist, visual artist, and former English teacher, I now offer workshops and short courses to schools and teachers. Read more...
Jarek Adams Image
I’m a published author and playwright with a strong track record of writing and producing performance pieces across the UK and Ireland. I’m also an award winning creative producer with extensive experience of supporting writers in workshops, one-to-one mentoring and through large scale arts projects. I am currently developing more work in my preferred area of specialty which is using writing for therapeutic purposes. I'm happy to work with all ages and abilities, and to tailor works… Read more...
I'm a novelist, journalist and write stories for online games. I've given talks about various aspects of my work - including the future of writing and e-books - and taught writing workshops to both adult and teenage groups. Read more...
Jane Alexander portrait
I’m the author of one published novel (The Last Treasure Hunt) and several award-winning short stories. I initially trained as a visual artist, and have worked variously as an illustrator, designer and arts marketeer, but swapped sketchbooks for notebooks when I embarked on an M.Phil in Creative Writing at Glasgow University. I’m currently an associate lecturer in Creative Writing with the Open University, a lecturer in Creative Writing for Edinburgh College, and a Creative Writing PhD resear… Read more...
Headshot of Ali Al-Jamri
I'm a poet, writer, translator and editor as well as a secondary English school teacher with a passion for multilingualism in the classroom. I am one of the inaugural Manchester Multilingual City Poets (2022 post). I am a member of Young Identity and have received mentorship from New Writing North and Commonword. My 'Between Two Islands' arts project was funded by Arts Council England in 2020-2021. I have written for Harper Collins school anthologies/textbooks and also conduct workshops.j… Read more...
Former freelance journalist (investigative)& Literature Development Consultant. I have had 22 plays produced and performed in the North West, Northern Ireland and the South West.I have an MA in Writing for Young People (Bath Spa) am always engaged in community set-ups for writers and continue to write for theatre. Currently , Dorset Writers' Network. Much focused on novel writing currently.  Read more...

A published author since the 1980s, Allen is also well known as an editor, poet, writing tutor, critic and judge of literary competitions. He is the author or editor of 11 published books, the most recent of which is “Dreaming Spheres: Poems of the Solar System” written in collaboration with Sarah Doyle (PS Publishing 2014). His other books are the novel “The Planet Suite” (TTA Press, 1997); three short story collections; one book of non-fiction; and five anthologies as editor, including “The… Read more...
First novel: A Kind of Intimacy published by Arcadia, in March 2009. Winner of the Best Writing on a Blog Category in the Manchester Blog Awards 2008 (Manchester Literature Festival). Toe by Toe peer mentoring reading scheme co-ordinator, and soon to be chartered Librarian with a specialism in Reader Development. Read more...