Thu 6 February 2025
Writers in Schools
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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Writers and Teachers Working Together

This is the area of work which first brought NAWE into being, and we continue to pioneer new projects and resources whilst also linking the considerable provision of work that now takes place as a result of the many agencies operating regionally and nationally.

If you are a writer new to this field, you'll find plenty of information to get you started. For those more experienced, we are presenting here the recommendations arising from our three-year research project, Class Writing, funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, which analysed how and why certain things work so well, and others not.

If you are a teacher looking for a writer, NAWE maintains its own Professional Directory of experienced writers. You will also find plenty of articles describing different residencies in our magazine Writing in Education.

NAWE offers professional development events and other opportunities for both writers and teachers. You may wish to read about our project, Writing on Location that ran in conjunction with MLA and the British Library and provided creative writing opportunities for teachers at ten Literary Houses and Museums around England.

Currently, NAWE is supporting The Max Reinhardt Charitable Trust, and engage, the National Association for Gallery Education and is delighted to announce that the inaugural Max Reinhardt Literacy Awards (MRLA) are being hosted by Falmouth Art Gallery, Kettle’s Yard Gallery and Manchester Art Gallery. 

For those involved in managing the placement of writers in schools, we convene a regular Managers Group to share best practice. The group holds one open meeting each year, within the NAWE Conference.

Our thoughts are bees
This book by NAWE members Mandy Coe and Jean Sprackland is an invaluable resource for both writers and teachers working together in schools. Available to NAWE members @ £5 (plus £2 p&p). Full details.