Tue 22 October 2024
Website Terms
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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Website Terms

The content of this site is proprietary to NAWE and any access to this site or the use of any content made by any person is expressly subject to these terms. Modification or use of any of the content of this site for any purpose other than that expressly agreed by NAWE is not permitted.

NAWE makes efforts to ensure the accuracy of the content of this site but the information provided cannot be guaranteed. Information appearing on this site is subject to change, addition, or deletion without notice, and therefore may not be relied on for the purposes of making any decision.

NAWE accepts no responsibility for information contained on this site and disclaims all liability in respect of such information or reliance on it by any person.

NAWE is not responsible for the content of external internet sites that link to this site or which are linked from it and no endorsement by NAWE of the content of such external site shall be implied by any link.

NAWE accepts no responsibility for the content of messages placed by members on the messageboard in the members' area. NAWE will however retain the right to remove any offensive material, especially that which contravenes NAWE's Equal Opportunities Policy (stated below).

Unauthorised copying or downloading of any material on this site, the reproduction, storage, transmission or the distribution of any content of this site (including artwork), either in whole or in part and in any medium or format, without the prior written consent of NAWE and, where appropriate, the author or artist, is not permitted.

This disclaimer is subject to the laws of England and Wales.