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NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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Host a MaxLiteracy 2021 Project
Wed 9 Dec 2020
The Max Reinhardt Charitable Trust, Engage, the National Association for Gallery Education, and the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE), are delighted to announce the MaxLiteracy Awards 2021. Galleries, art museums and visual arts venues in England are invited to submit proposals to host a MaxLiteracy 2021 project supported by the Max Reinhardt Charitable Trust.

MaxLiteracy is an exciting initiative that develops new ways of teaching creative writing by bringing together writers, learning settings, galleries, art museums and visual arts venues.

Three venues will receive an Award of £8,000 to support a dedicated programme of creative writing and literacy work with a formal or informal learning setting, to take place from April to August 2021.

In response to the global health emergency, galleries, museums and visual arts venues of any size in England are invited to apply and submit proposals to host the MaxLiteracy 2021 Awards, that have a particular focus on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people or young adults through creative writing, literacy and the visual arts. 

Learning settings may include: schools (primary and secondary) and youth support agencies, for example, virtual schools, agencies supporting young people in care or care leavers, those identified as vulnerable/at risk, youth justice settings and sanctuary agencies for young people seeking refuge.

Find out more here

Deadline: 10am on Thursday 4 February 2021

Contact Information:
Contact Name:
Ronda Gowland-Pryde
Contact Email: