I write for and with children, running workshops and readings in schools, libraries, museums, even outdoors! I can write to fit in with a particular theme, and work with children from age 4 upwards. I offer INSET days for teachers.
I have been a part of many large multi-disciplinary projects, most recently song writing projects for Arts Active! at St David's Hall in Cardiff.
Commissions for composers include 'The First Dragon' for narrator and orchestra, with composer Mervyn Burtch (several song cycles with Mervyn also); 'Sea Dogs' for narrator and brass ensemble with Gareth Woods, and 'This is our Land' for orchestra and choir with Chris Petrie.
'Writing Guides; Writing Poetry for Ages 5-7' published by Scholastic.
I have poems in anthologies by Pont Books;
All Through the Year, A Gift for St David's Day, Look Out! One Busy Book, A Christmas Box, A Seaside Treat, A Wartime Scrapbook,A Family Album.
I have contributed poems to WJEC's 'Genre Shifts at KS2' series.
The score of 'The First Dragon' is published by Curiad.
I have known and worked professionally with Francesca in a number of primary schools for the past fifteen years or so.
Her work with mainstream mixed ability children and special educational needs children is of outstanding quality, relevance and meaning to every child who works with her. It is work and classroom based experiences which children continue to talk about long after she has gone from the school.
Additionally, the work is of such a nature and relevance it always has significant impact on the children involved and the teaching staff who participate in her lessons or workshops.
I have engaged Francesca for some years now and will continue to do so. Similarly, I would highly recommend her to anyone who wishes to improve their children’s language skills and enjoyment of the English language.
Head Teacher
Bryntirion Junior School, Bridgend
Francesca Kay has worked with Arts Active as a poet on a number of initiatives which have included amongst other things a workshop to write a Christmas number 1. The most notable recent project though is the Tidy! project which Arts Active has mounted twice. This saw Francesca inspire and nurture key-stage 1 children to enjoy poetry and distil their own ideas and thoughts about the environment, sustainable living and the future world into a class poem of their own. The poems articulated concepts and thoughts true to the very young people that make a clear point to those not so young and were beautiful and inspiring.
Francesca has worked with twenty four schools as part of the tidy project and they have varied tremendously in terms of size, economic and social circumstances and experience of arts projects. In every school she was well received by both staff and pupils and the project feedback was packed with calls for her return. Francesca is witty, wise and wonderful and every school should have the benefit of having her over to play with words.
Arts Active Manager and Artistic Director
Tidy! project, Cardiff
In February 2011 we invited Francesca to lead a poetry workshop to celebrate the opening of our new school library. In the morning Francesca worked in each of our four classes with children aged 3-11. She had an excellent rapport with the children and they responded with enthusiasm and enjoyment to create their own class poems. In the afternoon each class recited the poem they had written to an audience of parents and visitors. The event was highly successful and Francesca was excellent value for money!
In September 2011 I was asked to organise a literacy cluster event for the Mountain Ash Cluster of Primary Schools. I invited Francesca back to work with children in years 2 -7. The theme was reading and Francesca captivated the children from the start. She encouraged them to develop their writing working collaboratively and individually. Francesca is able to inspire all children and leave a lasting impact. The event was very successful and all the teachers involved gave very positive feedback.
I would highly recommend Francesca as a visiting poet.
Head Teacher
Glenboi Community Primary School, Mountain Ash