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Joan McGavin
Joan has wide experience teaching Creative Writing for the WEA, local authority and at university level. Her main interest is in poetry teaching and advising. She had wide experience teaching Creative Writing at the University of Winchester, and completed a Ph.D. in Creative Writing at the University of Southampton. She is happy to be approached for workshop teaching, to give readings, and to tackle poetry commissions.
As detailed in portfolio section, I have undertaken residency work as part of the Arts Council's Millennium YOTA project. Have done some INSET work for local sixth-form college teachers, on poetry teaching as part of general literature and A level teaching. Have performed at the Nuffield Theatre and the Gantry locally, and at Waterstone's bookshop readings. (Have been support reader to Adrian Henri, U.A, Fanthorpe, Neil Astley and Les Murray, among others.) As well as my regular teaching commitments at Winchester, I also lectured on my own writing practice there. Widely published in poetry magazines, including South, Staple, Obsessed with Pipework, Envoi, Poetry Scotland and the American journal Prairie Schooner, Writing in Education, Literary Imagination. Featured poet in Peterloo Preview 3 (1994). Awarded two Arts Council grants: one as part of the Millennium Year of the Artist scheme to be Poet in Residence on Southampton Common, another to be mentored by the Next Generation poet Jane Draycott. Two books published by Oversteps Poets. I have performed at various local and national venues, including the Nuffield Theatre, individually and as part of Loosely Grouped, a trio of women poets, with Stella Davis and Lyn Moir. Have been placed, commended, runner-up or winner in various poetry competitions, including winner of two Southampton-organised ones (judges Elizabeth Jennings and Joanne Limburg), 3rd in a national Envoi competition, winner of Arts Council England South West's Nourishment for your Mind competition. Was Hampshire Poet 2014, during which I fulfilled various commissions and curated an anthology published by the Winchester Poetry Festival.
Reference awaited
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