Sat 27 July 2024
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Wes Brown
"In an age of polite fictions, it seems right that fiction should be unpolite. It should be coarse and truthful; give you things, as they are, unedited. Literature is about telling secrets."
Wes was born in Leeds in 1985. He started writing when he was sixteen and joined The Writing Squad soon after. He enjoyed editorial placements at Penguin and Route before founding Cadaverine Magazine and continuing to publish and perform his work widely. He is currently the Young Writers' Hub Coordinator and Information Manager for the National Association for Literature Development. He is Director of Dead Ink Publications and his debut novel, Shark, was published by Dog Horn in 2010.
Magazine Publications
The Scribe
Dog Horn 
Route Compendium
Roundtable Review
Blood Lotus
The Cadaverine
Writers In Education

Full Length Works

Dropped out of the University of Leeds
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Did You Know:
Wes's dad was a Professional Wrestler
Writers I Like:
Saul Bellow, John Updike, James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, John Milton, Martin Amis, Philip Larkin, David Peace, TS Eliot, Norman Mailer, George Eliot, Percy Shelley
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