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Young Writers and Facilitators Enabling Fund

**The Young Writers' Enabling Fund is currently CLOSED for entries and will open again subject to funding**

Young Writers’ Enabling Fund

Thank you for your interest in The Young Writers & Literature Producer Enabling Fund an Arts Council funding scheme of up to £1000 for literature activities that engagepeople in the United Kingdom.

Engage people means being stimulated or inspired by, and getting actively involved with literature.

This could include working creatively with words or creating projects that enables others to work creatively with words. We can help you apply if you are disabled, deaf or have learning difficulties. Please email Wes Brown with your requirements.

Four steps to apply for the Enabling Fund

  1. Read these guidelines carefully
  2. Write a proposal outlining what, why and how you want to do what you’re applying to do (no more than 1000 words)
  3. Include your contacts details
  4. Email your applications to

We will assess each application on a case by case basis and individual offer feedback. We ask that you provide clear aims and objectives. The strength of your application will be based on three strands:


How credible is your application? Do you have any supporting evidence like awards or publications? Do you have relevant skills? How can you achieve excellence?


Are there ways to increase the longevity of your activity? E.g. If you were to put on a number of open mic nights, why not record and podcast them? How will your grant help you make the next step in your career?


What ways have you though to bring your activity to an audience? E.g. If you are applying for a solo activity, why not blog about it? What might you do to involve more people in your project? How might you work with the NAWE Young Writers’ Hub?

Grants to individuals

Grants for the arts for individuals are available to:           

  • writers;
  • promoters;
  • presenters;
  • curators;
  • producers;

Applicants must be aged 25 or under at the time of submission.

Who cannot apply

The following individuals or organisations cannot apply to the Enabling Fund. If you fall into one of these categories, your application will not be eligible to be assessed.

  • Organisations that can share out profits to members or shareholders, unless the activity you are applying for is a self-contained arts project and has a clear benefit to the public.
  • Students, for activities related to their course of study or their tuition fees. (By ‘student’ we mean a person following a course of study in a school, a college or a university.)
  • Organisations that receive funding from the Arts Council and do not have written agreement to apply.
  • Individual educational establishments where the activity does not provide benefits to the wider community or artists.
  • Individuals or organisations based (living) outside of the European Union.
  • Activities that will not primarily be based in the United Kingdom. Activities based in the United Kingdom with a national or international outreach are welcomed.

Thank you and good luck

The Young Writers’ Hub will offer you the opportunity to be mentored during the course of your project. If you would like any further advice or an informal discussion, Wes Brown can be contacted on