Sat 27 July 2024
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Call for Submissions
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Call for submissions - What to send?

  • We publish writing by young authors aged 16-25 (though we might push those boundaries slightly sometimes.)
  • There are themes for each edition Myths magazine publishes fiction, poetry, sound recordings, video of performances, literary reviews, and discussions about writing itself. But we do accept non-themed work too!
  • Send with your submission a short biography of your writing life (approximately 100 words), and a photo (in .jpg format) of yourself or representing yourself, for us to print with your piece if it is selected. Note that we may edit your biography and photograph for size.
  • You may send multiple submissions. Please be aware it is unlikely we will publish more than one work by the same author in an issue.
  • We do reserve the right to edit your submissions, but will not do so substantially (beyond grammar and spelling) without consulting you. We may sometimes offer some suggestions about your work, but this does not guarantee we will publish any subsequent drafts you send us.
  • Myths magazine does not have ‘deadlines for submission’ in the usual sense. We will draw a line in the sand on certain dates to allow us to distinguish between issues and concentrate on the current one. But submissions are continually open and you may send work at any time, we are always glad to hear from young writers.
  • We do our best to answer any queries or requests as soon as we can. Please be patient – giving your work the attention it deserves takes time!

 Send your work or questions click here