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Class Writing
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Class Writing: A NAWE Research Report into the Writers-in-Schools Ecology
Nick Owen and Paul Munden
This books reports on the NAWE project which set out to research the effectiveness of writers-in-residence working in schools. The project involved the placement of writers in nine schools across England (four primary and five secondary) over nine academic terms between September 2006 and July 2009.
The results of the research are published here together with recommendations for future partnerships between writers and teachers.

"This project suggests that a programme of visits by writers working with children can, with positive school co-operation, raise standards of writing and so is a worthwhile investment, especially given the concomitant increase in pupils' enjoyment and enthusiasm." Sue Horner

The project was funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, with additional support from the QCDA.

A copy of Class Writing will be mailed free to all current NAWE Professional Members during the week of 15 November 2010.
Class Writing Cover
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Additional Information:
Fri 1 Oct 2010
Issue Number:
ISBN 978-0-9513097-4-2
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