Tue 22 October 2024
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Writing in Education - Vol. 34 - Ed. Cashdan


In this issue:

Christina Rossetti and the Young Writer
Fred Sedgwick provides an account of his work in the primary classroom focusing on the poetry of Christina Rossetti.
Class Clowns
Barry Stone gives a blow by blow account of his work with challenging pupils in the North East.
Clutching the cameo shell
Sharon Phillippo reflects on the training projects for writers in Wales, run jointly by literaturetraining and the Academi.
In Defence of the Writing Workshop
Charlie Bell offers a response to Rob Mimpriss ('Rewriting the Individual' in Writing in Education No. 26).
Negotiating Difference
Phil Emery on issues of accreditation in adult continuing education.
Project Hero
Joanna Ingham reports on how libraries, museums and young offenders' institutes have worked creatively with young offenders with basic skills needs.
The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker
Kathy Flann recounts her attempt to make use of community speakers in the creative writing classroom.
The Green Island, the Translucent Sky
Christian McEwen offers 'some notes on time and space and poetry', urging us all to slow down.
The Responsibilities of the Poet
Peter Abbs' lecture from the John Hewett Summer School in Armagh in July 2004.
Why, in spite of everything, I'm still a committed teacher
Janet Cameron explains how she faced up to a discrimination charge by one of her students.

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