Wed 23 October 2024
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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Writing in Education: Call for Submissions

The submissions window for Issue 94 of Writing in Education is now open and runs until December 23, 2024. Publication is in January 2025, though note that this edition is planned to chiefly feature articles based on the 2024 NAWE Conference.

If you have any questions about submitting to Writing in Education or would like to discuss an idea with our editor, please feel free to email William Gallagher on

To submit an article to Writing in Education, please first refer to the submission guidelines downloadable below. Please note: submissions that fail to follow the guidelines may be ignored.

Writing in Education: General Information

Submission deadlines:

Issue 94 submission deadline December 23, 2024 for Writing in Education (publishing January 20, 2025)

Issue 95 submission deadline March 24, 2025. for Writing in Education (publishing April 14, 2025)

Issue 96 submission deadline August 20, 2025 for Writing in Education (publishing  September 15, 2025)

The aim of this magazine is to explore the work of writers and teachers in educational and community contexts. Its purpose is to assist the peer learning of NAWE members and their colleagues.

We invite NAWE members to write on the subject of creative writing in education - in schools, adult education and tertiary settings. We encourage you to think broadly on this topic and address any issue relating to the development of a space for creative writing in any educational setting. Please note, it is developmental work that we wish to highlight, not self-promotion. It may be useful to think about the kinds of articles most useful to your teaching and practice. 




Books for review should be sent directly to the Reviews Editor, c/o NAWE Tower House, Mill Lane, Off Askham Fields Lane, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3FS. Publishers are reminded that Writing in Education does not normally carry reviews of individual works of fiction or poetry except when these have clearly resulted from a residency. 

Interested in writing reviews? Books range from those focusing on the craft of writing to poetry collections - and the book is yours to keep once the review is submitted! Please contact Matthew Tett, Reviews Editor if interested.

NAWE members are reminded to send news of their new publications as well as of any prizes and awards to the office for featuring on our website and in the magazine, space permitting. News items should be emailed to     

Please note that the individual contributions to this journal do not necessarily represent the views of NAWE or even the majority of its members. We welcome responses to any of the articles and reviews including those which would seem to offer contentious opinions.

Magazine Editor: William Gallagher

Reviews Editor: Matthew Tett



Please send advertising enquiries to William Gallagher on

Advertising deadlines are: 

Writing In Education issue 94: December 23, 2024
Writing In Education issue 95: March 24, 2025.
Writing In Education issue 96: August 20, 2025

Contact us to discuss your needs.


Copyright remains with individual contributing authors (with NAWE reserving the right to reproduce materials in other NAWE publications and in the members-only area of We request that any other use of the materials by the authors should make reference to the original publication in Writing in Education.