Sun 9 February 2025
One-to-one Sessions
NAWE aims to put creativity at the heart of education. NAWE is a charity funded largely by its members fees and donations.
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One-to-one Sessions
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One-to-One Sessions

Compass Points: Professional Development Planning

One-to-one professional development planning (PDP) sessions are available at this year’s conference with Philippa Johnston, Professional Development Director and Anne Caldwell, Programme Director. Both are Cultural Leadership PCT Accredited Coaches with many years of experience in helping writers and other literature professionals move forward professionally and achieve their goals.

Professional development planning is all about exploring where you want to get to professionally in a structured way. During the 90-minute session, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your current situation and your vision of where you’d like to be and when; look at your skills and motivations; explore strategies for overcoming possible hurdles and consider the different sources of support you can draw on. Finally, you’ll start to map out a plan of action to achieve your goals. If you are considering a change in direction, starting out or simply want to take stock and check you’re still on track, then you are likely to find the process particularly useful. The four sessions will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis at a cost of £40 for NAWE members, £50 for non-members. Please contact the NAWE Office for further details.

Free Information and Advice Sessions

Free 30-minute information and advice sessions with Fiona Firth, Information Manager of the Writer’s Compass, will also be available at the conference.

Fiona has a wealth of information at hand, drawing on her years with the Writer’s Compass, Scottish Book Trust and in publishing, and will be happy to help with any professional development queries.

The four sessions will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact the NAWE Office for further details.