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You are here: Home > The Writer's Compass > Events & Opportunities > Competitions & Submissions > Apples and Snakes: Word’s A Stage 2024: Development programme for young poets - Apply now
Apples and Snakes: Word’s A Stage 2024: Development programme for young poets - Apply now
Deadline: Fri 24 May 2024
Word’s A Stage 2024 is Apples and Snakes’ poetic performance development programme aimed at poets aged 21-30. The aim is to bring together emerging talent from this younger demographic to give them the skills and confidence to move forward in their writing and poetry careers.

Over the course of eight online workshops participants will work with various poets, performers and facilitators, to create strong 15-minute performance sets.

Following these sessions, participants will attend a five-day writing and performance residential at Arvon's Shropshire writing house, The Hurst, from 19–24 August.

All sessions must be attended (as best you can!) as it is important to keep the flow and momentum going. The Arvon retreat is fully funded by Apples and Snakes, and travel will also be arranged for you.

Find out more here

Deadline: 5pm, Friday 24th May 2024

Additional Information:

Contact Information:
Apples and Snakes
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