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Arvon Online Writing Days
Fri 19 Jan 2024 to Fri 29 Mar 2024
Somewhere between the focused nature of an Arvon Masterclass and the variation found on a longer course, our Online One-Day Courses are great for digging into your writing. Each course uses the Zoom 'meeting' format, creating a more interactive environment with tutors and participants able to talk with one another.

Coming up

Fiction with Vanessa Onwuemezi (19 January, '24): Write a short fiction in a day with the acclaimed author of Dark Neighborhood, covering initial idea right through to the all-important editing process.

Screenwriting with Alice Lowe
(16 February, '24): Develop an original idea, flesh it out, then create a strategy for selling it to studios with director and screenwriter Alice Lowe, the star of Black Mirror, Garth Marenghi's and Sightseers.

The Essay with Amy Key (15 March, '24): Explore creative non-fiction, lyrical essays and personal narratives with acclaimed essayist Amy Key.

Poetry with Aaron Kent
(29 March, '24): Assemble your poems and ideas into a poetry pamphlet with poet and editor-in-chief at Broken Sleep Books, Aaron Kent.

View all one-day courses here
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