Curtis Brown Creative: Writing an Original TV Drama Serial with Jamie Nuttgens
Thu 12 Oct 2023 to Thu 29 Feb 2024
Develop your idea, write a 60-minute pilot and plan further episodes on this elite London-based course taught by screenwriter, producer and director Jamie Nuttgens. Plus attend six masterclasses from leading TV professionals. Scholarship available.
Across 18-weeks, 15 talented writers will each develop an idea for a drama serial, write a 60-minute pilot episode and evolve a plan for further episodes – supported by the expert teaching of experienced screenwriter, producer and director Jamie Nuttgens.
Plus a series of six masterclasses from leading TV industry professionals, including Curtis Brown’s Theatre, Film and Television agents, and an in-depth one-to-one tutorial from an experienced script editor.
Jamie Nuttgens is an award-winning writer, producer and director in TV and Film with over 25 years’ experience working with writers across different genres and platforms.
Dates: 12th October 2023 - 29th February 2024
Location: Curtis Brown offices, Cunard House, 15 Regent Street, London, SW1Y 4LR
Cost: £2,800
Apply by 24th September 2023.
Further info and to apply here
Additional Information:
Location: London Region(s): London Price: £2,800