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Deinstitutionalise your writing
Wed 29 May 2024 to Wed 29 May 2024
A workshop for anyone who feels that their writing & relationship with it has been disciplined/harmed/cowed/constricted by institutional encounters: be these via early school experiences, professional mores, parental judgment or any other kind of structural bad vibes.

This workshop will be a space to explore some of the ways in which institutional encounters have disciplined/harmed/cowed &/or constricted our writing and our relationship with it, and a series of invitations into a more free-feeling, embodied writing/life.

You do not have to be a writer to join us – anybody who would like to be writing and/or who would like to like writing and/or has had negative experiences around their self-expression in institutions is welcome.

A recording will be sent out to all participants after our session.

Date: 29th May 2024, 7-9pm GMT
Location: Zoom
Cost: £30

Further info and to book here 

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