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Faber Academy: Overcoming Writer’s Block with Dr Kate Forsyth
Thu 11 Jul 2024 to Thu 11 Jul 2024
Identify the fears holding you back in your writing and recover your creative vitality and faith in yourself.

All writers get blocked sometimes. Yet it is those writers who learn how to work through their blockage and keep on writing that manage to produce work year after year – and so build a sustainable writing practice. Most aspiring writers dream of being able to make a living from their writing, yet writer’s block makes the process slow and arduous, as well as very time-consuming.

In this fast-paced, day-long workshop, learn how to overcome the fear of the blank page and get the creative juices flowing, how to work through the anxieties and doubts holding you back, and how to keep your well of creativity overflowing so that you are always brimming over with ideas, energy and enthusiasm.

Dr Kate Forsyth is an award-winning author, poet and performance storyteller called one of ‘the finest writers of this generation’. Novels for adults include Psykhe, a reimagining of the ancient Greek myth; The Crimson Thread, set in Crete during World War II; and Bitter Greens, a retelling of Rapunzel which won the ALA for Best Historical Fiction. Non-fiction titles include Searching for Charlotte: The Fascinating Story of Australia’s First Children’s Author, longlisted for the 2021 Readings Non-Fiction Prize. Her books for children include Kate Forsyth's Long-Lost Fairy-Tales, illustrated by Lorena Carrington. She runs literary and creative writing retreats in Australia, Greece, and the UK.

Date: Thursday 11 July 2024, 10:00–16:00
Location: Faber's London offices, The Bindery, 51 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8HN
Cost: £100

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