National Centre for Writing: Biography of an Artefact with Andrew Kenrick
Sun 25 Jun 2023 to Sun 25 Jun 2023
Can something inanimate represent or reflect core aspects of ourselves? Join writer and editor Andrew Kenrick for a half-day workshop focusing on object biography – a popular concept in research, art history, biography, museum studies and creative writing.
Participants are asked to bring an object or item with them that has some meaning to themselves or perhaps a member of their family.
This workshop is open to writers of all abilities with an interest in life writing, biography or memoir.
Andrew Kenrick has previously worked as an archaeologist and an archivist, a writer and an editor, before returning to academia to study nonfiction. He has recently completed a PhD at the University of East Anglia, where he researched the use of objects to write biography and life writing. Andrew is the founder and editor of Hinterland, a quarterly magazine dedicated to nonfiction, and is currently writing an object-based biography of the first century North African king, Juba II of Mauretania.
Date: Sunday 25 June 2023, 10am - 12.30pm
Location: National Centre for Writing, Dragon Hall, Norwich
Cost: £45 (£35 Concs)
Further info and to book here
Additional Information:
Location: Norwich Region(s): East England Price: £45 (£35 Concs)