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NCLA's Creative Saturday Workshops 2021/2022
Sat 6 Nov 2021 to Sat 14 May 2022
NCLA's Creative Saturdays are now back in person! Choose from poetry, prose or creative nonfiction creative writing workshops with Jo Clement, Andrew Hankinson and Margaret Wilkinson.

Jo Clement will be delivering two workshops:

This workshop encompasses close reading and the generation of new writing in lyric and elegiac modes about people, places and belongings. Taking possession as both our thematic and technical focus, we’ll explore a variety of skills and editorial approaches to better harness our craft and enchant readers.

Speaking Song
This workshop considers drafting as an oral process and experiments with the rich territories of what Pinsky calls ‘like and unlike’ sounds. We’ll create new poems in response to voice-led prompts and closely read a diverse range of poets. Tune into the technical ways that voice, sound patterning and silence can work together to enliven the poem as a sonic expression.

Andrew Hankinson will be delivering two workshops:

Getting Creative with Nonfiction
In this workshop, writers will be guided through the process of making creative nonfiction using material from a true story. The material will be in various forms and introduced at various stages, until a story is crafted. Writers will then experiment with how to make the story as captivating as possible.

Pushing the Boundaries of Creative Nonficton
In this session, writers will be exposed to experimental creative nonfiction. They will then be given a bundle of material about a story that exists in the real world. They will be guided through creating a story from that material, then guided through turning it into experimental nonfiction, such as fragmented prose, poetry and hybrid.

Margaret Wilkinson will be delivering two workshops:

Voice: Your Fingerprints On The Page

Through various writing exercises, discussion and handouts from contemporary short stories and novels, this workshop will explore how to discover, then clarify and enhance the style of writing that makes you unique, so that you will always be able to access it.

Making A Scene
Learn how to translate your ideas into scenes that will let the reader experience your short story or novel first-hand.

Full details and how to book can be found on our website

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North East England

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