Would you like to discover how reading can enhance your everyday life? Then this course is for you…
Bibliotherapy dates back to ancient times when libraries were seen as sacred places where answers and healing could be found. My course explores reading as an active strategy to help cope with life’s challenges, looking at the wider and deeper ways in which fiction and non-fiction can 'find' people, emotionally and imaginatively, helping develop self-esteem, resilience and interpersonal relationships.
Participants will be introduced to the neurological benefits of reading “for pleasure” and to a wellbeing model to help us tailor our book choices in order to thrive.
Dates: 19 January – 22 March 2024 (Friday, most fortnightly, 10.15am-12pm, 6 sessions)
Location: Books on the Hill in St Albans plus two excursions to London
Cost: £130 per course, which includes:
6 sessions with a qualified, experienced and evaluated Bibliotherapy instructor
Venue for classes in central St Albans
Instructor as guide to visits to The British Library and Piccadilly, in London
Reading materials, articles and online contact with the instructor throughout the course
A book group gift to each participant
10% discount at a designated bookstore to spend on a book of your choice
Not included:
Travel to, from and around London on excursions
Afternoon tea and cake at The Wolseley (optional)
For further information, and to enrol, please click here.