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Creative Writing Mentoring with Dr DeAnn Bell
Wed 26 Apr 2023 to Tue 31 Dec 2024
From first initial paragraphs to finished submittable manuscripts, I work with writers looking to bring their writing to a professional level.

I have 10-years of professional experience teaching creative writing in multiple genres including creative nonfiction, fiction, and script writing. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy with a PhD in Creative and Critical Writing and a Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education. From first initial paragraphs to finished submittable manuscripts, I work with writers looking to bring their writing to a professional level. I am proficient at working with real people who have lives, kids, jobs, diverse abilities, and time management issues. My feedback is courteous and presented in a way that helps you build confidence in your writing choices and enjoy your writing journey.

Location: Online or in North Wales

15-minute initial consultation, free
One-on-one online mentoring with no written feedback, £60 per hour
One-on-one online mentoring with written feedback and content editing, £95 per hour
Content and developmental editing with written feedback only, £40 per hour
12-month novel development with monthly check-in and feedback. £485
6-week intensive one-on-one novel writing with written feedback: £350
Bespoke packages are available.

To book, please email Dr DeAnn Bell at

Contact details:
Website: Dr DeAnn Bell 
Additional Information:
Online or in North Wales
£40 per hour. Free15-minute initial consultation.

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