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Ernest Williamson III
Born in Illinois and raised in Tennessee, Williamson is the son of a retired elementary school principal and a BMI Music Award-winning musician. Identified early as a strong student, he was moved into an experimental public gifted education program called Creative Learning in a Unique Environment, (CLUE). The oldest of three, Williamson began writing poetry at the age of 13. His brother is a Grammy nominated musician and his sister is a certified educator.
Dr. Williamson has taught at the college level for over thirteen years with six different colleges and universities including Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey City University, and Nyack College. Williamson, a graduate of CBHS, is also a self-taught pianist and classical composer. His piano composition, Struggle for Peace (Parts I-III), was published in Georgia College's Literary Journal, The Peacock's Feet in 2014. Williamson has composed over 160 classical compositions for piano. Many of his creative works have been published in journals representing over 80 colleges and universities around the world. Dr. Williamson's poetry has been nominated three times for the Best of the Net Anthology. In 2012, famed theatre director and multiple Moliere award winner, Irina Brook, praised Dr. Williamson's creative work and called him "an amazing Renaissance man". Williamson was admitted to Drew University’s Doctor of Letters program in literary studies in 2012 but did not enroll. In 2013, he was offered a Professorship.
For 5 years, Dr. Williamson was an Assistant Professor of English & Department Coordinator at Allen University. For 4 and 1/2 years he was Assistant Director of Education Projects at Tennessee State University. Currently, Dr. Williamson is an Independent Researcher and Test Prep Instructor for MSCS. He holds a B.A. in English (creative writing concentration) and an M.A. in English Literature, both from the University of Memphis. Williamson also earned a Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership, Management, & Policy from Seton Hall University, and a leadership certificate from Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Dr. Williamson, a 2023 Marquis Who's Who listee, is an active member of the Academy of American Poets, the American Humanist Association, AAUP, ASCAP, Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education, Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society, the Golden Key International Honour Society, Sigma Alpha Lambda, IHIQS and SENG.
Dr. Ernest Williamson, III, who was admitted to New England College's MFA program in poetry in 2004, has published creative work in over 600 journals. He has published poetry in over 200 journals, including The Oklahoma Review, The Roanoke Review, Pinyon Review,The Bombay Review, The Prague Daily Monitor, Ginosko Literary Journal, The Cannon's Mouth (UK), Ygdrasil: A Journal Of The Poetic Arts, Pamplemousse (formerly known as the Gihon River Review), Poetry Life and Times (UK), Aleola Journal of Poetry and Art, Caper Journal, Abramelin: A Journal of Fine Poetry, The Montucky Review, Denver Syntax, Versus Literary Journal, New Works Review, Penumbra Literary and Art Journal, Subliminal Interiors, Critiphoria: A Journal of Poetry and Criticism, Barrier Islands Review, The Whistling Fire, East Coast Literary Review, The Aroostook Review, Grasslimb Journal of Art and Literature, Rose & Thorn Journal, Adagio Verse Quarterly, The Literary Yard, G Twenty Two Literary Journal, The Literary Nest, Swamp Lily Review, Rollick Magazine, The Stray Branch: A Literary Publication of Poetry, Fiction, Art, and Photography, The Cherry Blossom Review, Canopic Jar, Plum Ruby Review, The Altar Collective, Reverie: Midwest African American Literature, Semaphore Magazine, The Copperfield Review, The Maynard (Canada), Scythe Literary Journal, Journal of Truth and Consequence, Mythium Journal: A Journal Dedicated to Good Literature, Lines and Stars: A Journal of Poetry & Short Prose, The Ekphrastic Review, Decanto (UK), Westview: A Journal of Western Oklahoma, I-70 Review, The American Aesthetic: A Journal of English Language Poetry, Tertulia Magazine, GTK Creative Journal, Steel Toe Review: A Journal of Southern Arts & Letters, The Penwood Review, The Indian Review, The Tower Journal, The Bangalore Review, Ramshackle Review, The Monongahela Review, The Houston Literary Review, Ray's Road Review, Prairie Wolf Press Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, El Portal (ENMU), The Critical Pass Review, Tryst, Yellow Chair Review, East Jasmine Review, Piedmont Journal of Poetry and Fiction, Yellow Medicine Review, and The Ballard Street Poetry Journal.
Some of his visual artwork has appeared in journals such as New England Review, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art,The William & Mary Review, The Wisconsin Review, The Tulane Review, The Manhattanville Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Madison Review, Fourteen Hills, Switchback Journal (USF), West Trade Review, The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review (JHU), Owen Wister Review (UWYO), East Iowa Review, Inscape Journal (BYU), The Portland Review, Packingtown Review, Haverthorn (UK), Tule Review, The Columbia Review, The Penn Review, Spectrum (UCSB), Redivider: A Literary Journal of Emerson College, The Journal (Ohio State University), Black Market Review (UK), Dislocate (UMN), The Emerson Review, Elohi Gadugi Journal,Two Cities Review, Kudzu Review, Rathalla Review, Rio Grande Review, Red Savina Review, The Rappahannock Review, Beechwood Review, New Plains Review, Pennsylvania English, New Delta Review (LSU), Willard & Maple, Cura: A Literary Magazine of Art and Action (Fordham University), The Brooklyn Review, Obsidian (accepted but not published), Moulin Review, Peatsmoke, 805 Art+Lit (Florida) and Kaltblut Magazine (Germany).
Work Samples (poetry):